We’d like to welcome you to Frock Magazine as a new contributor. Running a magazine like Frock is not for the faint hearted. There’s just sooooo much to keep track of. It’s a bit like spinning plates in a circus act. So, in order to help keep as many plates spinning as we can and to stay on top of things, we have installed this Editorial Management software. It’s really easy to use and keeps everything nice and organized.
So, you’ve got an utterly brilliant article that you’ve just written and you’re ready to unleash it onto an unsuspecting world. Here’s a step by step guide to our easy submission process…
- First go to http://frockmagazine.com/journalists.php and click ‘log in with a password’ use your email address and password to Log in.
- Pass mouse cursor over ‘Posts’ in side menu and another little menu will pop up. Click on ‘Add New’.
- Enter a Title for your article in the box at the top of the page (under Add New Post).
- In the large text box under that, enter your text. A word count is shown just below the text box. Please keep to within the agreed length for your article.
It is probably best to actually write your article in a word processing package like Microsoft Word or similar and then, when you have checked your grammar and spelling, copy and paste it into the text box, rather than typing your article into the text box.
- When your text is entered, look at the Categories list in the right-hand column and choose the one your article is destined for. If you’re not sure leave it blank and let us know.
- In the ‘Tags’ box underneath, enter two, three or four keywords which are relevant to your piece, each one separated by a comma.
- If you feel confident about it, please do enter a relevant word in the ‘Focus Keyword’ box which is in the Yoast SEO area. That’s to help with search engine optimization. You’ll also see some SEO recommendations there, which you can act upon if you wish but please don’t worry too much about this.
Photography and use of images is a bit of a minefield but even so, we will need at least one photo that’s relevant to the subject matter, to go with each article. You may have pictures to include which have been taken by a friendly photographer, in which case we will need their name/s in order to give them their photography credit.
We also ask that photographers give their permission for use of their work by sending an email to releases@frockmagazine.com and stating that they give us permission to use their photos in Frock Magazine, on its associated web sites and in any promotional material we may send out. Please ask your photographer/s to do this.
Otherwise, it will be really helpful if you can find at least one appropriate image to include with your article. If you don’t have any you could take a look through the following sites, which provide Royalty Free images that we can use. Pexar (http://pexels.com/) and Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/) are a couple of good ones which we can recommend.
- Each article will need to have a ‘Featured Image’ which you can set from the ‘Set Featured Image’ link at the bottom of the right-hand generic levitra vardenafil canada column. If you are initially taken to the Media Library you will see all the photos that are already in use in other articles. Click the Upload Files tab (top left) then, on the next page click the ‘Select Files’ button in the middle of the screen and navigate to the folder where your images are. You can select more than one image by holding down the Control or CMD key as you click each image you want to upload. Then click on the ‘Open’ button and the photo will be uploaded to the Media Library.
- When your image/s have been uploaded to the Media Library, please let us know where they came from by putting the name of the photographer and/or the URL of the page in the description field. For example, if you found a photo on the Pexels site at say, https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-coffee-meeting-team-7096/, just put that URL into the Description box. If it came from a photographer, put his name in the box. It’s also good practice to put a short description of the photo in 2 or 3 words, into the ‘Alt Text’ box.
- You can then choose an image to use as the ‘Featured Image’ for your article. Please don’t select any of the existing images in the library because they are already in use in other articles. When you have selected the photo you want to use for your article’s Featured Image (there will be a Checkmark or Tick in the top right-hand corner of the photo), click on the ‘Set Featured Image’ button (bottom right) and you’ll be taken back to the main Posting page.
- Under the Yoast SEO option you’ll see an area called ‘Photography Info’. If you are including any images which are not from a Royalty Free source, like the friendly photographer/s we talked about, you can enter their names in this box. Ignore the permissions checkbox.
We will need a teaser to go with your article, in the field below the photography area with the title ‘Contents Teaser’. It should be less than about 15 words (you can enter up to 100 characters). It needs to build the reader’s desire for more. This is your chance to persuade them to read all of your article so make it count.
Final Submission
- Finally, when you are satisfied that everything is correct, put a check in the ‘Exclusivity Checkbox’ to confirm that your article is original, has not been and is not destined to be published anywhere else. Then click on the ‘Submit to Workflow’ button in the ‘Publish’ section, near the top of the right-hand column. In the box that pops up next, choose the name of an Editor who you’d like to send your article to from the box that says ‘Assign Actor(s)’ and click the right arrow next to it to put their name into the ‘Assigned’ box. You can select more than one Editor if you want unless someone in particular is expecting to receive your piece but always include Katie Glover. Ignore the Publish Date area, add a comment for the Editor if you want and then click the ‘Submit’ button.
Your article will then be submitted to the Editors for proofing and review before being published for the whole wide world to see!